Brn Honey's Journey 2 A Slim Honey

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Day Twenty-One

The world must be coming to an end! I actually got of my behind and exercised today. And you know what? It wasn't all that bad! I did my "Walk Away the Pounds" 3 mile DVD. I feel really good about finally doing something. I'm still tired. But I forced myself. I didn't want write another entry about how lazy I am. One day down...a life time to go.

Today I ate 1 can of chicken and dumpling soup with 10 saltines, 1 can of cream of chicken soup with another 10 saltine crackers, and 2 (yes I said 2 again) bowls of Edys Slow Churn Light ice cream. One strawberry and the other neopolitan. I really need to get some healthier stuff in my stomach. I'm thinking I will buy some V8, and start drinking more meal replacement shakes...they have the vitamins that I'm sure I'm lacking.


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