Brn Honey's Journey 2 A Slim Honey

Monday, February 13, 2006

Day Sixteen

Today was pretty boring. I got up early today. My mother started a temp position today. She usually gets up with the baby so that I can sleep in some. I don't sleep much. I have a trach that prevents me from sleeping comfortably. I fed the baby and we watched Oprah. Then I dressed myself and my baby and we headed out to the hospital for my treatments.

Can I just say that all this Valentine's Day business is making me sick to my stomach! I don't want to see another news report....another commercial....not anything else! I'm so annoyed, sad, and hurt that I have to be alone. I just want it to be over. I want to start over...but I can't due to my least not right now. I don't want to go on a date with a hole in my neck, plus I'm carrying all this extra weight from my pregnancy. I feel like such a mess....I HATE feeling this way....feeling sorry for myself.

This is day two of my forced starvation/liquid I ate really late in the day. I didn't have anything until I got home at 4pm. I know that's not good. I know you aren't supposed to skip breakfast....I just really didn't feel like eating this morning. Today I had approx. 16oz. of cream of chicken and rice soup, 4 slices of deli ham, and another 16oz. of cream of chicken and rice soup for dinner...oh yeah and a sugar free popsicle.

I need to start exercising. I can not get motivated. I know I would have some great results if I got my butt in the gym, or at least walked around the block...sheesh! I've even abandoned my work out DVD. Tomorrow I WILL do my 3 mile DVD tomorrow.


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