Brn Honey's Journey 2 A Slim Honey

Monday, February 06, 2006

Day Nine

Today was a good eating day. I'm so proud of myself. Not much to report. I'm a little Well I have drama but I choose not to post too much of it on here. My blog is about my weightloss, and I write on here to get away from my drama. I guess I should start putting some more profound thoughts on here...or at least something interesting. Anyhoo....

Breakfast: 1 1/2c. Life cereal with 8oz skim milk.

Lunch: Light bologna sandwich on Sara Lee whole grain white bread...2 slices and miricle whip

Dinner: 1 pouch of garlic and herb tuna w/miricle whip, and club crackers...10 to be exact.

I'm still working on the water thing*sigh*


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