Brn Honey's Journey 2 A Slim Honey

Monday, February 06, 2006

Day Eight

Not much to report today. I've lost my motivation. This is the second day that I didn't even attempt to eat right. I don't know what my problem is. Well....actually thats not totally true. My divorce is very depressing. I've never been so hurt and betrayed in my entire life! I never had so much hate for one person (my soon to be ex husband). It is a terrible feeling. Then I'm concerned with fighting this cancer. The drs seem to be optimistic, but still I help but worry. Anyways I will keep on until this weight loss thing clicks for me.

Today I ate a cheese quesadilla, chicken with veggies and cheese, fried perch, and many many oatmeal rasin cookies. *sigh*


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