Brn Honey's Journey 2 A Slim Honey

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Day One

I did not get off to a good start. I had too much idle time I guess. My son was with his father this weekend. This gave me the opportunity to sleep in some, do some laundry, clean out my car (I won't talk about how messy it was). I had every intention of getting out of the house. The plan was to go to the park dist. and walk the shelf or track for an hour. But this amazing force of laziness came about me. My food intake wasn't all that great eather. Tomorrow is another day. I'll try not to beat myself up about it. Weekdays should be easier to stay on schedule.

I ran across this a site that has a plan that you follow to learn how to run 30 minutes straight I'm going to try it. Running seems to be a good way to get slim. I use to run way way way back in the day...LOL! But first I have to get myself back in the exercise groove. I will walk for 2 weeks before I try to run. I would like to walk everyday; however, I will be satisfied if I can get in 4 days. Plus Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Will be gym days so I can get in some weight training. I plan to look up some info on the subject this evening before bed. I mainly want to know when to move up in weight and what are the best moves for sculpting the butt, arms and back.

I decided that I will post a pic monthly (a little pressure can be good).

Brunch: meal replacement shake made with 8oz orange juice, and 1/4 cup of strawberries and 3 slices of turkey ham.

Dinner: Spaghetti w/meat sauce (ground turkey), 1/4 cup of cheddar cheese, and 2 pieces of garlic bread.

I need to do better with eating more often AND making better food choices. Also I did not drink nearly enough water.


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