Brn Honey's Journey 2 A Slim Honey

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Day Three

I guess this whole blog thing isn't working after I didn't do the best again today. No exercise, ate terribly. GRRRRR! So I will aim for a good day tomorrow. I'm thinking of trying South Beach Diet. I've got till Saturday to loose a pound or two. Saturday is weigh in day. I'm just going to have to pray on this.....ask the Lord to help me get my mind right.

Breakfast: nothing

Lunch: Chicken fajitas on wheat tortillas with cheddar cheese, sour cream, and salsa verde.

Dinner: 2 chicken leg quarters, 2 servings of yellow rice, broccoli with cheese, and one mini chocolate doughnut.

Here's the broken record....STILL needing to make better food choices, and STILL not nearly enough water! Come on Brn Honey! Get it together girl!


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