Brn Honey's Journey 2 A Slim Honey

Friday, February 03, 2006

Day Six

Today I feel like I need extra prayer and strength. It was a very trying day. My ex constantly stresses me. He is so igornorant it's almost unbelieveable! I have tried and tried again to make this an amicable split, but he insists on making this ugly situation. On top of that, the school I'm trying to attend is giving me grief. I fear that I may not be able to start this semester. And when I'm stressed I tend to eat. I'm trying not to feel bad, but I ate way too much, nor did I exercise. I just need to get myself together, and not let this man or any other conflicts get me down and keep me from accomplishing my goals. The devil is working over time today...woo baby!

And I want to say happy half birthday to my precious baby punkin' bear! I love my son so much, he is truly the light of my life. I thank the Lord EVERY day for giving me such a gift and a blessing.

I'm not going to even bother with a food log....I had so much's ridiculous...LOL! I'll pick back up tomorrow.


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