Brn Honey's Journey 2 A Slim Honey

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Day Eighteen

Still no energy today, and still no work out. I was up at 8:30 but then managed to fall back asleep until 12:30. With all this laziness I'm missing all the drama on my soaps! I have to do something to get my energy up. Maybe I need some sort of vitamins??? Last week I was talking to the doctor and he said that provided that my cancer is gone (when radiation is complete) they will remove my trach. Then I will be able to sleep like a normal person again. However that will not potentially happen until May.

On the menu today was: cream of chicken and rice soup with oyster crackers for breakfast, lunch was a protein shake made with skim milk and pineapples, and dinner was tomato soup with 1/4c. reduced fat cheese, and 6 saltine crackers.


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