Brn Honey's Journey 2 A Slim Honey

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Day Thirty-Three

No exercise. I still have no energy. Today I slept from 8:30am to 1pm. Almost right up until the time I have to leave for the hospital. I didn't even eat until 5pm. I'm sure that's not good. I had baked potato soup with cheese, and some cream of broccoli and cheese soup.

I decided to reward my 25lb lost with taking a pic with my son. I have none of me and him together except, at the time I delivered him. Trust me I wasn't looking the greatest...LOL I'm also trying to decide whether or not to give rewards to myself in 25lbs increments. That's sounds good right? I was thinking when I loose 50 I will buy myself all new make-up. It's time to start pampering myself again. It's hard though. This depression really has a hold on me.


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